Website last updated  -  27-Jul-2024



Website Page Selection

Family News Page Fig Tree Revenge Isobel's Mosaics Doug Davies RAFVR Colonoscopy ! Barrie's Books & Travel Aspirin Big Fat Greek Contact Us Picture Page Flying Doctor Service Interesting Bits Ancestry Doug Davies RN Statins - a Warning Anogyra







Website Features

Click here for the latest family and friends news as it becomes available

Love and best wishes to you all.

Barrie and Isobel


Website Features

I have put together a family and friends Birthday Calendar so that no-one will be able to say - Sorry,  I Forgot !!!
The Calendar will be secure and private and will only be accessible via a username and password page.

Click here to go to the Family and Friends Birthday page

Click here to get in touch with news or comments

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Family News Page Fig Tree Revenge Isobel's Mosaics Doug Davies RAFVR Colonoscopy ! Barrie's Books & Travel Aspirin Big Fat Greek Contact Us Picture Page Flying Doctor Service Interesting Bits Ancestry Doug Davies RN Statins - a Warning Anogyra