Last updated  -  23-Jul-2024

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Family and Friends News and events as and when they happen
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Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Report from Mike says that Verity is slowly mobilising although in a lot of pain (not surprisingly!). Being transferred to Llandough (?? right spellig) hospital for physiotherapy and mobilisation. Hopefully home within the week. Picture showing the fracture of the high end of shaft of left femur.

Thursday 18th July 2024

Little bit of disturbing news - Verity Silk in Cardiff fell in the driveway on Tuesday 16th July and broke her hip. Admitted to the University hospital and had the break pinned and plated on Wednesday 17th. Last news from Mike is that she is recovering well but, I'm sure, is in a fair bit of pain. Very different from my day in orthopaedics when a hip surgery was in hospital for at least 3 weeks - Verity now likely to be discharged and walking by next week!! Lots of love from us all Ver!


Monday 8th January 2024

I'm sure lots of you know Ted Gamage down in St Clares. Difficult to see where the Gamage family fit into Isobel's family tree - suffice it to say that the Gamage faimily came originally from Northamptonshire and settled in Briton Ferry in th early 1800s. They eventually emigrated to Carmarthenshire and became farmers. The nearest I can say is that Isobel's Great Grandmother, Mary Polly Gamage, married into the Lucas family about 1875.

Anyway, Ted is 93 years old and getting all the problems naturally associated with that great age. He is as bright as a button and he and Isobel chat regularly by phone. Gareth and Ann, his children and the grandchildren look after him superbly well. However, like so many older people, he refuses to give in and lives on his own in St Clares.

If you have any messages you want to pass on to Ted, just let me know and I will pass them on to him.



Wednesday 1st November 2023

About 10 years ago, Rhian befriended a little lady called Pip (not her real name but one that everyone knows her by). At that time, Rhian was her General Practice nurse but she has long moved to another practice - however, the friendship remained and spread to Isobel and I and she has become very close to all of us. Pip has no children but we think she has relatives somewhere but they have had very little to do with her for many years. Pip's husband, Andy, died some 20-30 years ago - he was a British Airways pilot.

Pip is 97 years old next January and, because she has become increasingly disabled, she has has been admitted to a nursing home on a permanent basis. Pip joined the army at the beginning of the second world war and had a fascinating military career including being one of the first allied soldiers to liberate Auschwitz and Belsen and worked at the war crimes trials in Nuremberg - she says that those executed deserved it because they had no regrets for what they had done during the war.

The nursing home that Pip is in at the moment is a little bit expensive (close to £2000 per week) so we are actively looking into somewhere a bit more affordable. More news about Pip when it happens.

Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Pip going downhill slowly. Keeps saying her prayers and asking God to come and fetch her. Refusing food and most drink - apart from drinking chocolate. I'm not surprised - what a life at 97, 24 hours a day in bed, doubly incontinent and knows it and in a nursing home where empathy and understanding are in short supply.

8th July 2024

Pip still going strong. Altzheimers is getting more obvious and she is getting very confused. Still no contact from any family she may have so Rhian and family, Isobel and Barrie will give her lots of contact.


8th July 2024

Still no movement on the house deeds in Cyprus. I have written to and received a reply from the land registry in Limassol and the answer is that the land boundaries are being confirmed. Not sure why its taking so long as their official surveyor drew up the boundaries in the first place !!





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